Hello and welcome to Magical Treats at home! We’re getting ready to launch with a delicious assortment of our favorite Disneyland and DCA treats that you can now make in the comfort of your own home. Our easy-to-follow recipes will make sure that you can enjoy that churro, that Matterhorn Macaroon, or that Mickey shaped cookie every day of the year.
Make sure you’re following us on your favorite social channel so you can be the first to know when each new recipe drops. New recipes will start once a week and ramp up from there.
We’re so happy you’ve found us. Have a delicious and magical day!
Disclosure: Magical Treats at Home may contain affilitate links, which means we receive a small commission. Everything here on the site are products we use and love, or reviewed with honest opinions!
*Magical Treats at Home is not affiliated with, or employed by Disney. All recipes developed by us in our home kitchen unless specified.